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What's happening in the neighborhood?

Subdivision Annual Meeting


November 18, 2024 is the Meeting of the membership, or often called the subdivision annual meeting.  At this meeting each officer will report on the past year's activities and events.  This is your opportunity to ask questions, share concerns, and offer suggestions to the Board.  Light refreshments will be served, and we encourage everyone to attend.  A recap of last year's meeting can be found on this page below.

We will also elect two (2) members to the board of directors.  We are looking and searching for any resident living in Pheasant View subdivision who may have interest in serving on the board of directors.  The time commitment is minimal, but your involvement means a great deal as it is the Board who makes decisions on how the annual assessments are spent each year.  The members of the board also set policy and oversee the application of our subdivision governing documents.  We invite you to please consider at seat on the board.  Contact any current board member directly or simply email us at to express your interest.

Annual Meeting November 18, 2024 at 7:00 PM, Canton Township Administration Building, meeting room "E" lower level.



Posted July 26, 2024

Beginning the week of July 29, Priority Waste will provide automated collection of garbage to Canton residents utilizing ADA-compliant, 95-gallon carts. The new carts will replace the current collection protocol of using 32-gallon containers and garbage bags at the curb.

It’s important to note, garbage collection is the only thing changing under Priority Waste. Residents will continue to utilize their current recycling cart for recyclables and yard waste will still be collected in paper yard waste bags or 32-gallon cans. Only garbage bags will go in the new 95-gallon carts.

PLEASE NOTE:    Beginning the week of July 29, yard waste collections will revert back to Thursday.

All garbage bags must be placed inside the cart in order to be collected.  Any garbage bag left outside the cart WILL NOT be collected.   Similar to the existing practice, Priority Waste will allow residents two bulk items per week. No special arrangements are required and there is no extra fee. Please note, garbage bags outside of the cart DO NOT count as “Bulk Items.”

We have received many requests for additional carts or the option to switch to the smaller 65-gallon cart. Priority needs time to implement this new process and will be unable to meet those requests until after August 19.  After August 19, residents will be able to purchase additional 95-carts through Priority Waste.  For those wishing to switch to a smaller 65-gallon cart, an online form will be available after August 19.

In the meantime, we encourage you to work with your friends and neighbors make this process as smooth as possible. If you feel your cart is too large, offer to share the extra space with those who may be struggling to find room.  Canton has wonderful residents, and it is our hope that by working together we can make this new transition as smooth as possible.

To view a list of frequently asked questions and answers and well as the new collection guidelines visit Additional questions can be emailed to Canton’s Municipal Services Department at

Trash and Recycling remindeer

All refuse and recycling must be placed at the curb by 6:30 a.m. to ensure pick-up.  Priority Waste will not pick-up refuse or recycling that is placed past the sidewalk on private property. All recycling must be placed separately from your refuse on the opposite side of your driveway.

Carts MUST be placed on your driveway apron and not in the street. They must also be placed on the opposite side of your drive from your refuse, leaving at least 6” around the cart so the mechanical arm on the truck can easily fit around the cart. Hinges and handles should face towards your residence with the lifting bar facing the street. 

REMINDER:   Canton Township Ordinance states " . . . Every person shall limit the time when receptacles are placed beyond the front line of any residence to the period between 6:00 PM of the day prior to the regularly scheduled solid waste collection day and 12 hours following the act of collection by the solid waste hauler (paraphrased).  

Canton Charter Township Code of Ordinances; Chapter 58-Solid Waste; Article III -  Collection and disposal; Sec 58-120

Beginning July 29, 2024, Priority Waste will be providing automated collection of garbage to Canton residents utilizing ADA-compliant, 95-gallon carts. The new carts will replace the current collection protocol of using 32-gallon containers and garbage bags. Below is a list of frequently asked questions and answers. For more information email


Will my collection day change?

No. Priority Waste will utilize the township’s existing residential collection schedule. Please note, while your collection day will remain the same, your collection time may vary.

Will a new cart be provided for trash collection?

Yes. Priority Waste will begin delivering 95-gallon carts to all curbside residents starting in July. Please note, although you’ll receive your new cart in early July, DO NOT put it out until July 29. Any cart put out before July 29, will not be collected.

What do I do with my old cans?

Old cans can be put out for trash collection or dropped off at a Canton Clean-up event.

How easy is the cart to maneuver?

Carts are ADA-compliant, highly durable and on wheels, making them easy to maneuver, even for children and seniors. The carts will make the process of taking out the garbage much easier and more convenient than dragging a can or carrying multiple bags to the curb.

How much garbage does the 95-gallon cart hold?

The new 95-gallon carts will hold approximately eight, 14-gallon garbage bags.

Can I purchase a second garbage cart?

Yes. An additional cart may be purchased through Priority Waste, AFTER August 19, for $125. Please note, there is a maximum of three carts per household.

Is there an option to switch to a smaller cart?

Initially, all homeowners will need to take delivery of the 95-gallon cart, unless your entire subdivision was approved for a 65-gallon cart (please check with your Homeowners Association on your approval status). Once all carts are delivered, there will be an on-line form available to request a switch, for a yet-to-be-determined fee. That form will be available after August 19. Residents will be asked to show proof of need (i.e. handicap sticker, vehicle tag or doctor’s note) in order to request a 65-gallon cart. In addition, if your HOA has limited storage space (i.e. one-car garage, lack of side or backyard storage), Municipal Services staff will meet with HOA board members to determine if your complex qualifies for the smaller cart.

Will the switch to Priority Waste change how I put my garbage out?

Yes. After July 29, 2024, all garbage bags must be placed inside the cart in order to be collected. Any garbage bag left outside the cart WILL NOT be collected. Please note, garbage bags outside of the cart DO NOT count as “Bulk Items.”

Will there be any parking restrictions on collection days?

Residents must leave at least three feet around the carts in order for the mechanical arm on the truck to easily fi t around the cart.

What happens if my cart is broken or damaged during service?

Carts are under warranty by Priority Waste and will be replaced at no cost, as long as homeowner negligence is not identified.

If my cart becomes dirty, will the township clean it?

No, maintenance of the cart is the homeowners' responsibility.

Will bulk items still be collected at the curb?

Similar to the existing practice, Priority Waste will allow residents two bulk items per week. No special arrangements are required and there is no extra fee. Please note, refrigerator and freezers must have all Freon and doors removed in order to be collected. Any refrigerator or freezer left at the curb with the doors on will NOT be collected. If you have more than two bulk items, call Priority Waste at 586/228-1200 to inquire about a “Special Pickup” for a fee.

What time does my garbage, recycling and yard waste need to be at the curb?

All garbage, recycling and yard waste must be placed at the curb no earlier than 6 pm the night before your collection day and no later than 6:30 am on your regular collection day to ensure pick up. Priority Waste will not pick up garbage, recycling or yard waste that is placed past the sidewalk (between the sidewalk and your home) on private property. Garbage and recycling carts should face towards your residence with the lifting bar facing the street.

How do I report a missed pick up?

Missed pickups can be reported on-line at either or www.cantonmi. gov/216. You can also call Priority Waste at 586/228-1200 or Canton’s Division of Public Works at 734/397-1011.

Will I get a new recycling cart too?

No. The recycling carts provided by GFL will now be the property of Canton Township.

Will I get a new cart for Yard Waste?

No. There will be no change to the curbside collection of residential yard waste. Curbside pickup of residential yard waste begins the first week in April and runs through the second week in December. Yard waste containers must be labeled “Yard Waste.” CONTAINERS OVER 50 POUNDS OR OVER 32 GALLONS IN SIZE OR PLASTIC BAGS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please note, yard waste collections will revert back to your normal collection day starting the week of July 29.

Will Priority Waste provide residents with scheduled Canton Clean-up days?

Yes. Priority Waste will hold their first Canton Clean-up on Saturday, August 24 from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Van Buren Transfer Station, located at 44135 Yost Road. To view the 2024 Canton Clean-up schedule, visit

Pheasant Run Golf Course

The golf course is now open for play.  Pheasant Run Golf Course is a public course available for use by paying to play golf at the clubhouse located on Summit Parkway.  The course is not open for private play or personal recreation.  If you might be in the habit of walking, jogging, running, or riding a bicycle (or other vehicle) on the cart paths, please know that none of these activities is permitted.  It is dangerous to perform any of these activities while players are engaged in a round of golf as not every golfer has complete control of their hits.  By entering the course, you are endangering and exposing yourself to be unintentionally struck with a golf ball or golf cart.  Both hurt and can be avoided by using the subdivision sidewalks and not golf cart paths.  Lastly, you may be charged with trespassing.  If you happen to own property adjacent to the course, we thank you for allowing golfers to retrieve errantly shot golf balls.  Enjoy the warm summer months.

Election of Officers for 2024

The subdivision Board of directors have elected officers for next year.  With the new members now seated on the Board of directors, the election of officers were the orders of the day for the December 2023 regular meeting of the Board.  The results of the officer election are:

PRESIDENT - James Hegarty

VICE PRESIDENT - Tejkiran Singh

SECRETARY - Kate Borninski

TREASURER - Mark Waldbauer

ROADWAY MANAGER - Kevin Whitaker

The officers will begin the transfer of duties immediately but fully assume office on January 1, 2024.  Congratulations to the new members of the board.

Subdivision Annual Meeting of the Membership - - 2023

The Pheasant View Board of Directors wishes to extend a sincere thank you to everyone who voted or attended the subdivision annual meeting of the membership held Monday, November 13, 2023.  The meeting was held at the Canton Township Administration Building in lower-level meeting room B at 7:00 PM.  The meeting was also made virtually available on zoom.


Reports recapping the past eleven months of activity were offered by . . .

  • President, Kevin Whitaker

  • Vice President, Tejkiran Singh

  • Secretary, James Hegarty

  • Treasurer, Mark Waldbauer

  • Roadway Manager, Donald Watson


Additional committee reports were given recapping the work performed from . . .

  • Pheasant Run Road Maintenance Association (PRRMA)

  • Architectural Review Committee

  • Subdivision Communication Coordinator

  • Welcoming Committee


Topics that affect the entire membership were discussed.  Discussed items of concern included the increase in cost and labor the subdivision has experienced from our contracted services.  The increase in the 2023 annual assessment was very much needed to cover all our expenses and additionally fund the repair of our aging subdivision irrigation system and the repair of many mailboxes vandalized this past summer.  Although we mostly experienced a wet summer, the money saved in watering was spent on tree trimming and tree removal on the berm, from several strong summer storms and a F-0 tornado.  There is more detail about each item below on this news page.  Most recently we have lost all electrical power to the Crowndale boulevard entry which is a PRRMA concern.

The Orders of The Day were to elect three (3) members to the Board of Directors for a two-year term.  No write-in candidates or nominations from the floor were offered.  The three (3) candidates presented on the ballots were therefore elected.  Congratulations to Kate Borninski, James Hegarty, and Mark Waldbuaer.  The election of officers for fiscal year 2024 will take place at the December regular Board meeting.  The membership is invited to attend.


The budget and annual assessment amount for fiscal year 2024 will be approved at the January board meeting.


The annual meeting of the membership is the one time each year for everyone to be in one place to share concerns and express gratitude.  The Pheasant View Homeowners’ Association membership’s input is needed to guide the direction the Board of Directors implements in the future months.  Thank you to everyone who participated this year!

Subdivision Mailbox Vandalism update

On the morning of Thursday, July 6th, 2023 the Board was notified by a homeowner on the northern end of Crowndale that their mailbox post had been vandalized and it was on the ground in pieces.  We then received an email from another homeowner at the southern end of the subdivision reporting that their group of mailboxes had also been vandalized.  Upon surveying the entire neighborhood, we determined four mailbox posts had been impacted (two on Crowndale, one on Southwick, and one on Stonebridge).  While I was accessing the damage, a Canton Police Officer was cruising through our neighborhood as he had already been called by one of our homeowners. I flagged him down and let him know I represented the Board and that the mailboxes were HOA owned.   The Officer told me that several subdivisions close to us (Central Park and Glengarry) had also sustained significant mailbox vandalism.  The Officer shared that at that time they had already retrieved the bumper and license plate from the offending vehicle.

The Board requested I contact the contractor that installed the mailboxes letting them know we needed a quote to replace/repair the damage as soon as possible.  The contractor was onsite Friday, July 7th to assess the damage.  They provided a quote to the Board in time for us to discuss it in our Monthly Board meeting held on Monday, July 10th.  The Board agreed to proceed with the repairs and the contractor was onsite Tuesday, July 11th . All the replacements/repairs were completed that day.  The cost to repair the four posts and associated mailboxes was approximately $3,800.

I contacted the Canton Police on Tuesday, July 11th to request an update related to our case.  I was informed that three juveniles from Westland had been arrested for stealing two vehicles from the Westland area.  They used these cars to wreak havoc on private property in our area.  One of the vehicles had been abandoned in Central Park when it was so damaged it ceased to run.  Because of their juvenile status, the Canton Police were unsure if the HOA would be able to prosecute for the damage incurred.  They will keep us informed as the case progresses.  Any homeowner’s that have any additional information that may assist in the investigation, please feel free to contact the Canton Police referencing the report number 230022862.

The Board is evaluating our existing property insurance policy to see if a claim can be filed for the damage.  The Board does not budget for these kinds of extraordinary expenses, so it is our hope that relief can be provided by either an insurance claim or the successful prosecution of the perpetrators.


Kevin Whitaker

PVHA President

Have a question?  We may have your answer!

We have added a new FAQ tab at the top of the page.  We receive many similar questions from week-to-week and/or year-to-year so we thought it might be faster for you to see if your question has an answer here, than it is to contact a Board member and send that email.  Take a look at the FAQ page to see you your inquiry has already been addressed.  If the answer is not there, we invite you to please click on the contact tab and forward your question to the Board, ARC, or communications coordinator.  Someone will reply in short order.  Remember, we are all volunteers with employment responsibilities as well.  Your patience is appreciated.

Governing Document Amendments have been approved!

Many thanks to the hard work of our board members and to all of you that voted for our new governing documents!
Final vote counts:
Articles of Incorporation: 136 for / 13 against
Covenants and Restrictions: 132 for / 17 against

The approved documents may be found on our Governing Documents page.  The Restated and Amended Covenants and Restrictions are searchable from the table of contents page to make finding the exact location of your query faster.

The goal of this process was to update very outdated documents, include association-owned mailboxes into our governing documents, and enable the board to better address landscaping and unsightly conditions in our subdivision.  The revised documents and information about the process can be found on the Governing Documents / Proposed Amendments page.

The goals for amending our association governing documents include:

  • Update documents to comply with new federal and state laws and court cases.

  • Update documents to include association-provided mailboxes in our governing documents.

  • Modernize our documents to address the current ‘hot topics’ faced by modern associations.

  • Remove errors, typos, and all unnecessary developer language.

  • Improve readability with shorter paragraphs, less ‘legalese,’ more section titles and subheadings.

  • Consolidate or shorten documents, sections, and text as possible.

  • Remove all illegal (or potentially illegal) provisions.

  • Customize documents to the particular needs of our community.

  • Improve overall functionality and effectiveness of our documents.

  • Educate the membership of the purpose, content, and function of the association’s governing documents as part of the amendment process.

The cost for the complete legal review and proper filing was extensive.  We anticipated and included this expenditure in the budget; the membership will not incur an additional expense.  


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